
Partech SoliTechw² - IR Suspended Solids Sensors - Portable Use

Partech’s range of SoliTechw² IR infrared sensors can be used for the measurement of suspended solids, sludge density, and turbidity in a wide range of applications, which includes Mixed Liquor (MLSS), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Sludge Blanket Detection

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Partech model 750w² Monitor Portable Water Quality Meter

The 750w² handheld water quality monitor is a simple robust and accurate tool for measuring a full set of water quality parameters with a single unit. The monitor’s simple to use interface, multiple sensor opitions and a field ready design makes the 750w² the market leader for on site monitoring of TSS, Turbidity, Sludge Level, pH, Redox and dissolved oxygen.

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In-Situ / ChemScan RDOX Portable Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe

This portable rugged dissolved oxygen (RDO) probe uses the latest and most trusted dissolved oxygen (DO) optical technology for measuring DO and temperature in demanding wastewater and drinking water process environments. LOW-MAINTENANCE - INTEGRATED DESIGN - COST EFFECTIVE - RUGGED CONSTRUCTION

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Partech RDOX Portable Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe

This portable rugged dissolved oxygen (RDO) probe uses the latest and most trusted dissolved oxygen (DO) optical technology for measuring DO and temperature in demanding wastewater and drinking water process environments. To be used with the 750w² Monitor which can provide, quick and accurate readings of Suspended Solids, Sludge Blanket Level, and Turbidity.

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In-Situ Wireless TROLL Com

The Wireless TROLL Com provides wireless communication between a cabled, deployed ChemScan multiprobe MPX4 instrument, capable of measuring Temperature/Conductivity, Pressure, Level, Salinity, pH/ORP, Dissolved Oxygen (RDO), Nitrate (NO3-), Ammonium (NH4+), Chloride (Cl-), Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids or a ChemScan RDOX dissolved Oxygen probe and a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device using the VuSitu mobile app.

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Partech Sludgewatch 715

The SludgeWatch 715 provides a simple, low cost method of spot checking the sludge blanket level in a wide variety of settlement tanks. The cable reel design removes the need for any additional carrying bag. The sludge blanket is detected by winding the sensor down into the tank, the audible tone will change and the LED illuminates once the sensor has reached the blanket. This method of sludge blanket detection offer major improvements over traditional SludgeJudge type systems in terms of both repeatability and importantly health and safety – no more manhandling 4 metre tubes full of contaminated wastewater.

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ChemScan MPX4 Multiparameter Sensor

The ChemScan MPX4 is a cost effective multiprobe that integrates with plant control systems for long term installation using a local controller, direct connection or wireless telemetry. With interchangeable sensors, the probe replaces multiple instruments, reducing overall monitoring costs. PARAMETERS • Dissolved Oxygen (RDO) • Turbidity • Total Suspended Solids • Temperature/Conductivity • Pressure • Level • Salinity • pH/ORP • Nitrate (NO3-) • Rhodamine WT Fluorescence Intensity • Ammonium (NH4+) • Chloride (Cl-) • Blue Green Algae-Phycocerythrin

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Partech WaterTechw² TMP Temperature Sensor - Portable Use

The WaterTechw² TMP Temperature Sensor is a precision device which offers breakthrough performance over a wide industrial temperature range. Designed for use between -5°C and +80°C with a measurement accuracy of +/- 0.3°C

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